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Temperature Transmitters


Ceramic Insulated Thermocouple

Ceramic Insulated Noble Metal Thermocouple

Ceramic Sheath Noble Metal Thermocouple

Ceramic Insulated Noble Metal Thermocouple with Wire and Connector

Type S, R, B Thermocouple

Ceramic Sheath Noble Metal Thermocouple with Connector

KPT-TC Polyamide Surface Patch Thermocouple

Thermocouple with Connector

Platinum Sheath Thermocouple for High Temperature

Platinum Sheath Thermocouple

Platinum Sheath Thermocouple with Wire

Nozzle Bolt Style Thermocouple

RTD21- Nozzle RTD


RTD23 Melt Bot Style Resistance temperature Detector ( RTD)

Platinum Sheath Thermocouple

TC-11 Thermocouple with bare Wire

Dual protection tube noble metal thermcouple

TC100 Base Metal Thermcouple with Protection tube

TC111 Base Metal Thermocouple Element


TC112 Angle base Metal Thermocouple

TC12 MGO-PAC Thermocouple with Connector


TC13- Cut to Length thermocouple

Spring Loaded replacment thermocouple

TC14 MGO-PAC Thermocuple with Fixed Process connection

Noble metal thermocouple

TC200 Noble Metal Thermocouple with Protection tube

Dual protection tube noble metal thermcouple

TC201 Thermocouple with Dual Protection Tube noble metal

Nozzle Bolt Style Thermocouple

TC21- Screw Thread Bolt Thermocouple

Nozzle Bolt Style Thermocouple

TC22 Nozzle melt Thermocouple

Melt bolt Thermocouple

TC23 Melt Bot Style Thermocouple

Gasket Style Bolt on Thermocouple

TC24 Ring Style Thermcouple

Magnet Style Thermocouple

TC31 Magnet Style Thermocouple

Tube Skin Thermocouple

TC32 Weld pad Surface Mount Thermocouple

Spring Loaded Bayonet RTD

TC41 Baynot Style Thermocouple

Spring Loaded Bayonet RTD

TC41 Flexible Armor Baynot Style RTD

Rigid Probe bayonet thermocouple

TC42 Rigid Probe Thermocouple Bayonet Style


TC43 Flexible spring bayonet adjustable Thermocouple

TC44 ARMOUR Bayonet Style Thermocouple

TC44 ARMOUR Bayonet Style Thermocouple

TC60-1 Tube Skin Weld Pad Thermocouple

TC70 Industrail Thermocouple

TC70 Industrial Thermocouple

TC71 Industrial thermocouple with adjustable connection

TC71 Thermocouple with Adjustable connection


TC80 Thermocouple with Nipple union extenssion

Remote Mount RTD/Thermocouple Assembly

TC90 Thermocouple Remote Mount Head

Thermocouple / RTD Assembly with Flanged Thermowell

Industrial Thermocouple with Tapered Thermowell

Thermocouple / RTD Assembly with Tapered threaded thermowell

Thermocouple / RTD Assembly with Threaded Thermowell

Hand Held RTD and Thermocouple

Thermocouple with handle and Cord

Resistance Temperature Detector (RTDs)

Infrared Thermometer

Thermocouple Wire

RTD Extension Wire

Thermocouple and RTD Connector

Thermowell and Protection Tubes

Resistance Temperature Detector Element